
Hello, I need the key point of your algorithm is not really clear > • We start with the root such that all edges are possibly > here or not. The upper bound is the sum of the $n \choose 2$ > heaviest edges, while the associated solution is the empty > subgraph, the lower bound is thus 0. > > • Then at each iteration we create two children for the node > with maximum lower bound (i.e. density of the associated > solution). Suppose the node is at depth $i$ in the tree, we > keep the decisions made on the first $i-1$ edges and create > two children, one where the $i^\text{th}$ edge is included and one > where it is not. I need to understand this part in clear way if that is possible please
None at 2019-02-01 12:38:49
Edited by Sergey Kirgizov at 2019-02-04 12:53:33
> I need to understand this part in clear way if that is possible please I see. I agree it is not perfectly clear, sorry about that. Can you try to understand it with the branch and bound [wikipedia page](, [the slides]( and [the code]( If it is still not clear after that, please come back and I'll try to phrase a better explanation ASAP.

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