
This paper won the 2018 SEOUL TEST OF TIME AWARD: ### Concerns about "primary pair": Does a primary pair exist for each n-ary relation? The following example of "NobelPrize" and "AlbertEinstein" given in the paper does not work for "Marie Curie" who won two Nobel prizes according to Wikipedia: " However, this method cannot deal with additional arguments to relations that were designed to be binary. The YAGO model offers a simple solution to this problem: It is based on the assumption that for each n-ary relation, a primary pair of its arguments can be identified. For example, for the above won-prize-in-year-relation, the pair of the person and the prize could be considered a primary pair. The primary pair can be represented as a binary fact with a fact identifier: #1 : AlbertEinstein hasWonPrize NobelPrize All other arguments can be represented as relations that hold between the primary pair and the other argument: #2 : #1 time 1921 "

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