Nice paper along the work of [Dasgupta]( and [Cohen-Addad et al.](
A function to quantify the quality of a hierarchical graph clustering / dendrogram is proposed.
An interesting application to compress a dendrogram is proposed.
Section 8. If the input graph is a complete bipartite graph, then the quality function Q is maximum if the graph is partitioned in the two independent sets.
Nice paper along the work of [Dasgupta]( and [Cohen-Addad et al.](
A function to quantify the quality of a hierarchical graph clustering / dendrogram is proposed.
An interesting application to compress a dendrogram is proposed.
Section 8. If the input graph is a complete bipartite graph, then the quality function Q is maximum if the graph is partitioned in the two independent sets.
Edited by Maximimi at 2019-12-23 17:47:17